t1 pause lck

[ENGSUB] T1 vs DK in-game pause comms FULL version | Faker Flash

T1 Gumayusi instant Pause after he stands still in Bot

Faker tries to Pause the Game and Fail Flashes

T1 losing their mind during the pause | T1 vs HLE | 2022 LCK Summer Split | T1 cute moments

Caedrel Reacts To FAKER Accidental Flash While PAUSING

Faker looks Mad inside because This Champ is unfair

Faker Angry about his Team ending the Game without permission

Faker BMs Oner after he stole his Penta

League of Pauses - T1 vs HLE Highlights | LCK Summer 2022

Gumayusi Punches the Table after carrying T1's Comeback

Faker Accidentally Flash during Pause LCK Match #leagueoflegends #Shorts

Caedrel LOSES It Over GUMAYUSI Baron Steal

T1 Keria happy after Backdoor vs Damwon

Faker missclicks when trying to pause (T1 vs DK)

[Compilation] Casters & Streamers' reactions to Faker's unreal sidestep | Worlds 2022 | T1 vs RNG

Faker embarrassed after he has to Sneeze in Game


Caedrel Reacts To FAKER Trolling His Team

Faker checks if Varus is scripting | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

DDoS'd, Delayed, Asleep?

Doran hits T1 with his Dance-Moves

Faker asking for Penta in T1 Mic Check

GenG Doran With The Weirdest Game Pause In The LCK

Faker can't hold his Laugh after his Bronze Play